- 您预定桌位了吗? Have you made a reservation?
- 我可以为晚餐预定桌位吗? Do you take reservations for dinner?
- 侍者: 女士们,晚上好,您预订桌位了吗? Good evening,ladies.Have you made a reservation?
- 吗 morphine
- 请稍候,我查一下。对了。您预定了今晚信的一间单人房。 Just a moment,please,while I check. That is correct. You have a reservation for a single room for tonight.
- 侍者: 您预定座位了吗? Have you made a reservation with us?
- 1860年,一位名叫WilliamLow的英国人提出了一项更好的计划。 In1860, a better plan was put forward by an Englishman, William Low.
- 你看新栽的玫瑰长根了吗? Do you think the new rosebush has taken root?
- 占位符 placeholder
- 愿您早日康复! May you recover soon!
- 是吗 is that right
- 你搞清楚争论的中心了吗? Did you get the drift of the dispute?
- 再一次感谢您邀请我们,实在太好了。 Thanks again. It really is very kind of you to invite us.
- Briggs先生: 你好,我订两个人的桌位,这是预定单,我姓Briggs Good evening. I have booked a table for two. Here is the reservation list. My name is Briggs.
- 你这么快就辞职了吗? Are you quitting already?
- 6位妇女和19位男的组成了这个委员会。 Six women and nineteen men make up the committee.
- 你们得到了你们的一份了吗? Have you all had your whack?
- 那位军官派了三十名士兵去守火车站。 The officer detached thirty men to guard the railroad station.
- 有没有靠近窗户的桌位? Oh,any chance of a table by the window?
- 游泳池的水用氯消毒了吗? Is the swimming-pool chlorinated?