- 您需要租什么样的车? What kind of car do you have in mind?
- 你想租什么样的车? What kind of car would you like?
- 需要 needs
- 车 machine
- 首先,您需要允许Apache运行cgi-bin目录之外的CGI脚本。 First, you need to allow Apache to run CGI scripts outside of the cgi-bin directory.
- 我想租一部车,你们有什么样的车? I would like to rent a car. What kind of car do you have?
- 您需要超越平凡,实现更大的成功、提高利润和发展业务。 You need to move past the basics to achieve greater success, improve profits, and grow your business.
- 他是我们常在报上看到的人物,但我们不知道他是什么样的人。 He was somebody you read of every other day in the newspaper, yet we couldn't put a name to him.
- 先生,您需要什么? What can I do for you, sir?
- 本杰明:什么样的车? Benjamin: What kind of car was it?
- 我们可以供应现货中的许多机型,如果您需要的是高品质的相机,我们也可以供应给您。 We can supply most models from stock and are prepared to supply you with fine quality camera if you need it.
- 好的,你想要什么样的车? Ok.What kind of car do you want?
- 如果您需要执行更高级别的访问,可以单击“请求附加权限”。 If you need a higher level of access, you can click Request additional permissions.
- 友情提示:您需要先安装或升级您浏览器的Flash播放器,才能玩纸牌小游戏! YoXi. Org note: You need to upgrade your Flash Player frist!
- 您想要什么样的车小型轿车还是普通轿车 What kind of car would you like; a compact or a sedan
- 解决不了这个问题;您需要使用一些较低级别的接口以便在需要的地方添加关键参数。 Object; you need to use some of the lower-level interfaces so that you can add key arguments where needed.
- 您的车需要彻底的检修。 Well, your car needs an overhaul.
- 您需要在复兴门大街下车。 And you need to get off at Fuxingmen Boulevard.
- 职员:您想要什么样的车?小型轿车还是普通轿车? Agent: What kind of car would you like; a compact or a sedan?
- 要访问网站的这部分内容,您需要输入您的用户名和口令。 Note: This is not where you log in to the IMS! Only editors of this website need to log in here.