- 您需要开一张收据吗? B: Shall I make out a receipt?
- 您需要各项分别开票还是开一张票,或者您还是愿意记在住宿的总账上呢? And do you want separated bills or just one single bill? Or would you like to put it on your hotel bill?
- 我看您需要开一个支票存款户。 I think you need a checking account .
- 我可以要一张收据吗? May I have a receipt?
- 我可以要一张收据吗? May I have a receipt?
- 你需要开一个支票账户来支付您的账单。 What you really need is a checking account so you can pay your bill.
- 你的意思是要我保存那张收据吗?恐怕我早已撕了。 Did you mean me to keep the receipt? I'm afraid I've torn it up.
- "那么我要给母亲买本书," 他说道。 "非常感谢。我希望将来有一天能报答您。" "Then I'll buy a book for Mother, " he said. "I thank you very much, some day I hope I can repay you."
- "行了,别动,我们再照一张 ... ,这个样子太棒了," 摄影师说。 "That'll do. Hold it. Will have one more ... It looks smashing, " said the photographer.
- 我来给你开一张收据。 I'll write you a receipt.
- "喂," 史密斯小姐说 "你们为什么不说话,你们俩在做什么,我能问一问吗?" "Come on, " said Miss Smith, "has the cat got your tongue? What have you two been up to there, may I ask?"
- "爸,开门!让我进来,我回来啦!" "Father! Open up! Let me in, I'm home."
- 升级SQL Server的群集实例不是因为胆小:构建群集只为一个原因-您需要正常运行时间。 Upgrading a clustered instance of SQL Server is not for the faint of heart: it's clustered for a reason-you need uptime.
- 但是我觉得上路前你最好先试开一下。 But I think you should go out for a test drive before taking it out on the road.
- 我可以要张收据吗?谢谢。 May I have a receipt, please?
- (花)昼开夜闭的,(花)仅开一天的 Opening during daylight hours and closing at night.
- "我也和你们一道去好吗" "欢迎,怀特先生。" "May I join you?" "Delighted, Mr. White."
- 您需要一张8分邮票。 You need an eight-cent stamp.
- 您认为您有理财的能力吗? Would you say you had the competence for handling money?
- 我给那对孪生姐妹拍了一张照片。 I took a shot of the twin sisters.