- 您选好了吗? Have you chosen something?
- 您选好主菜了吗?我建议您来一些。 Have you selected a main course for this afternoon? I would recommend.
- 指无人可以看您投票或者看您选好了的选票 No one can watch you vote or look at your marked ballot
- 吗 morphine
- 按下向上向下按钮使显示出您选好的快门速度。 Press the updown buttons to display the shutter speed you wish to set.
- 您选好菜了? Have you choose something?
- 你弄完了吗?;给我写好了的稿子;稿子写完了;差不多完成了他的研究工作。 are you finished?; gave me the finished manuscript; the manuscript is finished; almost finished with his studies.
- 你头痛好了吗? Has your headache gone yet?
- 按下向上\向下按钮使显示出您选好的快门速度。 Press the up\\down buttons to display the shutter speed you wish to set.
- 那里有许多天使,我已经为你选好了一个,她将会等待你到来并照顾你。 Among the many angels, I chose one for you. She will be waiting for you and will take care of you.
- 你的行李捆扎好了吗? Have you swaddled your luggage?
- 大师教您选琵琶 Master teaching you how to buy lute
- 您选神州行卡就不错。 Shenzhou pre-paid card is a good choice for you.
- 你把水壶放好了吗? Did you put the kettle on?
- 一个大队,一个公社,一个县,选好了一、二把手,整个领导班子就带起来了。 In a production brigade,a commune or a county,if the two top men are well chosen,the whole leading body will be able to work well.
- 要是您选上她,她就是个胜利者。 If you picked her, she must be a winner.
- 晚餐好了吗? Is dinner ready?
- 您选菜的同时要不要先喝点什么? Jean: Can I get you anything to drink while you decide?
- 行李申请单填好了吗? Have you filled in the baggage declaration?
- 我参照了特拉白先生的意见,选好了一套衣料。 I selected the materials for a suit, with the assistance of Mr. Tabb's judgment.