- 您这儿有信纸吗? Have you any writing paper?
- 您有信纸吗? Do you have any writing paper?
- 据说治疗中风有特效,我想问一下,您这儿有这种药吗? It is said that it's by far one of the most effective medicine for curing apoplexy in our country. I wonder whether you have the medicine in your shop or not?
- 有信纸吗? Do you have writing paper?
- 女士:有信纸吗? Lady: Have you any writing-paper?
- 请问您这儿有房间吗? Excuse me, are there any vacant room here?
- 请拿大号的。你有信纸吗? L: The large size, please.Do you have any writing paper?
- 您这儿有复印机吗? Do you have a photocopier here?
- "那么我要给母亲买本书," 他说道。 "非常感谢。我希望将来有一天能报答您。" "Then I'll buy a book for Mother, " he said. "I thank you very much, some day I hope I can repay you."
- 这儿有许多移民住在破败的房屋里。 Many immigrants here are living in bad housing.
- 您这儿 you
- 彼得斯夫人:(向食品柜里张望)咦,这儿有一只鸟笼。 Mrs. Peters : ( looking in cupboard . ) Why , here 's a birdcage .
- 由于邮件没有背景图片,此信纸可能显示为空。确实要将其另存为信纸吗? This stationery may appear blank because the message does not have a background picture. Are you sure you want to save it as a stationery?
- 张先生,刘经理介绍我到您这儿谈谈我方进口业务。 Mr Zhang,Director Liu has referred me to you,for a discussion on our import requirements.
- 这儿有一条不成文法,即每人自己去取咖啡,哪怕是经理也是如此。 It's an unwritten law around here that everyone fetches his own coffee, even the managers.
- 普: 我从您这儿了解了很多关于在中国建立合资企业的事情。 You have certainly enlightened me quite a lot about establishing a joint venture in China.
- 这儿有一张多出来的票,这是正面看台的好位子。 Here's a ticket and to spare. It's also a good seat in the grandstand.
- 我这儿有张定期存款单,两个月以后到期。 I have a time deposit here.But it'll mature in two months.
- 这儿有香波卖吗? Do you have shampoo here?
- 这儿有一本书,你会对它感到兴趣的。 Here is a book which you will be interested in .