- 您认为怎样,布什先生? What do you think, Mr. Bush?
- 我们出去吃午餐您认为怎样? What would you say to going out for lunch?
- 这是我们最新的微型照相机,您认为怎样? This is the latest model of our mini - size camera. What do you think of it ?
- 你认为怎样最好就怎样去做。 Do as you think best.
- 布什先生,您觉得您在宾馆的房间怎么样? Mr Bush,how do you find your room in the hotel?
- 你认为怎样? What do you think of it?
- 您认为差不多的时候说"停",先生。(倒苏打水) Would you like to say "when",please,sir. (Pouring soda.)
- 你认为怎样才能让人们戒烟? What in your opinion can be done to stop people smoking?
- 您认为您有理财的能力吗? Would you say you had the competence for handling money?
- 塞尔登先生要请我吃饭,你认为怎样? Mr. Salten asked me out to dinner. What do you think of that ?
- 这是二十种的最后一种了,大致上您认为我们的图案如何呢? This is the last one of the twenty. What do you think of our sketches generally?
- 女性从政你认为怎样? What about women in politics?
- 您认为那是伤天害理的一年,但就整个专制政体来说呢,先生? You think it inexorable, sir;but what of the whole monarchy, sir?
- 你认为怎样才算合理呢? What would you consider reasonable?
- 我们去散个步,你认为怎样? What do you think about going for a walk?
- 这是中型电脑。您认为如何呢? Here are the medium-sized computers. What do you think about them?
- 辛普森先生,您认为在六个月内发展一个新的生产系列可能吗? Mr. Simpson,do you think it's possible to have a new range in production within six weeks?
- 哲力:这是我的新鱼缸,你认为怎样? Jerry: What do you think of my new aquarium?
- 您认为我们需要缴所得税吗? Do you think we are required to pay income taxes?
- 有点贵,但我觉得很值得,你认为怎样? D: It's a bit expensive but I think it'll be worth it, don't you?