- 您觉得那只鸟儿怎么样? What did you think of the bird?
- 他母亲生日的第二天,他打电话给她。妈妈,您觉得那只鸟怎么样啊?”他急切地问道。 The day after his mother's birthday, he phoned to her. "What did you think of the bird, Mother?
- 那 which
- 那只鸟儿在阳光下抖开羽毛。 The bird fluffed out its feathers in the sun.
- 如果您觉得可以的话,星期六下午更方便些 Saturday afternoon will be more convenient, if it's all right with you.
- 他看着飞鱼一再地从海里冒出来,看着那只鸟儿的一无效果的行动。 He watched the flying fish burst out again and again and the ineffectual movements of the bird.
- 我建议每公吨马赛船上交货价为250法郎左右,您觉得怎么样? What do you say if I suggest somewhere around 250 france per metric ton fob marseilles.
- 驾驶员觉得那次飞行碰到坏运气。 The pilot felt that the flight had been jinxed.
- 您觉得我怎么样呢? What do you think about me?
- 那只鸟儿在笼子里拍动翅膀。 The bird fluttered its wings in the cage
- 他觉得那台小小的电视机携带极其方便。 He found that little TV extremely portable.
- 您觉得这个如何? Manufacturer: How do you like this one?
- 那只大皮箱贴满了旅馆的标签。 The trunk was plastered all over with hotel labels.
- 您觉得您有能力写诗吗? Do you think you are capable of writing poems ?
- 那只猫咬了他一口。 The cat gave him a nip.
- 大致上我觉得那相当好。 My general impression was that it was quite good.
- 我们被迫让他养的那几十只鸟儿啄食我们那可怜的庄稼。 We were obliged to feed scores of his tame birds on our wretched crops.
- 您觉得这家自助餐厅如何? How do you think of the food of this cafeteria?
- 他向那只鹿射击。 He loosed off at the deer.
- 您觉得这个怎么样子? What do you think of this one?