- 您要换哪种货币? What kind of currency do you want to change ?
- 请问您要换成哪种面额的? What denomination to you prefer,please?
- 您要哪种货币? What kind of currency do you want?
- 您要取哪种货币? What kind of currency do you want to withdraw?
- 您要换多少? How much would you like to cask?
- 您要换钱吗? Do you want to cash your money?
- 瑞士使用哪种货币? What currency is used in Switzerland?
- 您要换多少钱? How much do you want to change?
- 当然可以,先生。你有哪种货币? B Certainly, sir. What currency?
- 可以。您要换成什么样的现金? That's fine. How would you like this cash back?
- 究竟哪种货币会较受欢迎?受欢迎的货币又是否必定是良币呢? Which currency will be favoured over the other, and is the one favoured necessarily the good one?
- 您想要换多少? How much do you want to convert?
- 你想要买哪种香烟? What kind of cigarettes did you have in your mind?
- 您说过马桶不好用,我们曾派修理工来修,但一下子很难修好。恐怕您要换个房间。 You said the toilet doesn't work and we sent a repairman to fix it, but it's hard to fix it at once. I'm afraid you will change rooms.
- 您想买哪种闹钟? What kind of alarm clock do you have in your mind ?
- 不同的国家通常使用不同的货币,参与商务的有关方必须选择使用哪种货币,就兑换等事宜作好一切必要的工作。 Different countries usually use different currencies and the parties concerned will have to decide which currency to use and do everything necessary as regards conversion etc.
- 噢,是偏头痛,我们有很多种药,不知您要那一种? Oh,it's migraine. We have several varieties of medicine for that. I don't know which kind you need.
- 那要看你要哪种位子。 It depends on the sort of your seat.
- 警察:我希望这是最后一次逮住你。你知道我不愿意再看到你了。小偷:怎么?您要换工作了吗? Policeman: I hope this is your last time.You know, I don'twant to see you here again. Thief: Why? Are you going to change you job?
- 你要用哪种寄法? How do you want to send it?