- 您要开什么样的账户? What kind of account do you want?
- 您要开活期账户还是定期账户? What term would you like, demand or fixed?
- 如果您要开一个支票储蓄账户,您不必存一大笔钱。 You have not to deposit a large sum of money if you want to open a checking-savings account.
- 您要什么样的蛋? How do you want your eggs prepared?
- 你们有什么样的账户? What accounts do you have?
- 我们要开立一张以新加坡出口银行为收款人的即期汇票。 We'll draw a sight bill in favour of the Export Bank Singapore.
- 在您取消订阅之前,WL将继续从您的账户中扣除服务费用。 WL will continue to take subscriptions from your account at 1 (one) calendar month intervals until you cancel your subscription.
- 您要什么样的咖啡? How would you like your coffee?
- 在市区内车子要开得慢点。 Drive slowly within the city limits.
- 对于您的账户,用户名或密码,您将没有任何权利、资格、和权限。 You shall have no rights, title, interests over your Account, User ID or Password.
- 我要开一个出租录像带的店,赚大钱! I'm going to have a video rental shop and make a bomb!
- 您要理个什么样的发式? How do you want to have your hair cut?
- 会议要开多久? How long will the meeting last?
- 我想要开个定期存款帐户。 I think I'd like a deposit account.
- 您要不要跟上次一样烫头发? Do you want a perm like you had last time?
- 您想开什么样的账户? What sort of account do you have in mind ?
- 您要哪种洗发精? What shampoo do you prefer?
- 医师要开立治疗眼疾的处方,并配置眼镜以解决折射问题,需要时进行手术。 "They prescribe treatment for eye disease and lenses for refraction and perform surgery when needed. See also optometry, visual-field defect. "
- `您要什麽样的咖啡?'`请来一样一半(即一半咖啡一半牛奶)。' `How do you like your coffee?' `Half-and-half (ie Half coffee and half milk), please.'
- 我要和你讨论我们上周谈过的合并案.可是我要开一个会.我能过会儿打给你吗? Bob: Listen, I need to discuss that mergers deal we met about last week.Unfortunately, I am about to go into a meeting. Can I call you back later?