- 您要哪种面额的货币? In what denomination, please?
- 请问您要换成哪种面额的? What denomination to you prefer,please?
- 您要哪种货币? What kind of currency do you want?
- 您要哪种洗发精? What shampoo do you prefer?
- 我们有三种款式的包装纸:红的、绿的、和金色的,您要哪一种? We have these three styles of wrapping paper: red, green, and gold. Which one would you like?
- 换回的大面额的或不同种的等价货币。 money received in return for its equivalent in a larger denomination or a different currency.
- 先生,我们供应迷您型、四分之一和半瓶装的,请问您要哪一种? We sell mini,quarter and half bottles,sir. Which would you prefer?
- 您要多大面额的钞票,元一张的? What notes would you like in tens or in fifties?
- 不同的国家通常使用不同的货币,参与商务的有关方必须选择使用哪种货币,就兑换等事宜作好一切必要的工作。 Different countries usually use different currencies and the parties concerned will have to decide which currency to use and do everything necessary as regards conversion etc.
- `您要什麽样的咖啡?'`请来一样一半(即一半咖啡一半牛奶)。' `How do you like your coffee?' `Half-and-half (ie Half coffee and half milk), please.'
- 要哪种? Which kind?
- 找到您要借的那本书或杂志的目录卡,记下它的索书号码。 Find the particular item you are look for. jot down the call number.
- 您很容易在候机大楼外面叫到出租汽车,去您要去的地方。 You can easily take a taxi outside the terminal and go anywhere you like.
- 你要哪种房间? What kind of room do you have in mind?
- 谢谢。您要面额多少的钞票? Thank you. How would you like to have the money?
- 你要哪一种混合咖啡 Which blend of coffee would you like?
- 在工作组Web站点上,转到您要保存的列表,然后在显示该列表的页面上单击“导出”。 On the team Web site, go to the list you want to save, and on the page that displays the list, click Export.
- 你想要哪种烫法? What kind of permanent would you like to have?
- 在“报告视图菜单项”列表中,选择包含您要使用的报告视图的一个或多个组的编号。 In the Report View Menu Items list, select the group number or group numbers that contain report views that you want to use.
- 丽莎?你要哪一种通心粉? Lisa ? What kind of pasta do you want?