- 您要哪种邮票? What kind of stamp do you need?
- 您想要哪种邮票? What kind of stamps do you need?
- 你想要哪种邮票? What kind of stamps do you want?
- 您要哪种洗发精? What shampoo do you prefer?
- 您要哪种香水? What perfume would you like?
- 发行了哪种邮票? What kind of postage stamps are issued?
- 您要哪国货币? What currency do you want?
- 您想买哪种邮票? What sort of stamp do you want to buy?
- 您要哪一类手表? What kind of watch do you prefer?
- 请告诉我寄特快专递要用哪一种邮票。 Please tell me a stamp for special delivery mail.
- 您要哪国制造的? Which country do you want?
- 您要哪一类的货物? Knit goods, sportswear, T shirts, or underwear?
- 要哪种? Which kind?
- 有两趟车,一趟是早晨八点的,另一趟是下午两点的。您要哪一趟的? There are two trains on Saturday.00a.m.and 00p.m., which one do you prefer?
- 你要哪种房间? What kind of room do you have in mind?
- 您要哪一类手表: 机械手表,还是石英手表? What kind of watch do you want? Mechanical watches,or quartz watches?
- 你想要哪种烫法? What kind of permanent would you like to have?
- 您要哪一类的货物?针织品、运动衫、T恤还是内衣裤? What kind of goods do you want, knit goods, sportswear, T shirt, or underwear?
- 请问要哪种舱? Which class,please?
- 店: 您要哪一类手表: 机械手表,还是石英手表? What kind of watch do you mechanical watches, or quartz watches?