- 您要出远门吗? Be you go far?
- 您要出去吗? Are you going to go out?
- 是的,他确是不爱多走路的,可是,这一回他却真的要出远门了。 no doubt, - but, then, it was none the less true that he was going away, this so domestic person hitherto!
- 出 to rise
- 吗 morphine
- 这么晚了您要出去吗? Are you going out at this time of the night?
- 出货 shipment
- 大家认为他们出远门去了。 They are supposed to be away from home.
- 您要不要跟上次一样烫头发? Do you want a perm like you had last time?
- 这一天出远门的人极少。 It was a lonely day to be abroad.
- 您要哪种洗发精? What shampoo do you prefer?
- 我已经年届90, 出远门已力不从心。 Now that I'm 90, I find the exertions of travelling too great.
- 您要看黄金戒指还是白金戒指? May I show you gold rings or platinum ones?
- 我年纪大了,不能出远门了。 I'm too old to go on long trips any more.
- 您要些润发膏吗? Do you like some hair pomade?
- 不用出远门就能在现场看球赛了! To see soccer matches without leaving town!
- 您要烫发,还是做头发? What would you want, a perm or a set?
- 她头一次出远门,我想伴送一程。 It is her first time to go on a long journey, I want to accompany her a short distance.
- 乔治刚要出去玩,却被母亲拦住了。 George made to go out to play, but his mother stopped him.
- 您要不要修指甲? Do you want a manicure?