- 您要不要喝点什么? Would you like to order something from the bar?
- 您要不要喝点什么,女士? Would you care to have some drinks,madam?
- 您要不要喝点什么,茶还是咖啡? Would you like something to drink, tea or coffee?
- 您点菜之前要不要喝点什么? Do you care for anything to drink before you order?
- 我们今天有很好的菲力小牛排,您要不要试试? We have very good filet mignon today. Would you like to try?
- 你要不要喝点什么?喝什么呢? Will you have a drink? What shall it be?
- 您要不要订本饭店另一家餐厅的席位。 Would you like to make a reservation at another restaurant in the hotel?
- 您要不要跟上次一样烫头发? Do you want a perm like you had last time?
- 想要喝点什么吗? Care for any drink?
- 对不起,先生,他忙线中,您要不要稍候。 I am sorry sir, the line is busy now.Can you wait for a moment?
- 你要喝点什么? What do you have to drink?
- 您要不要修指甲? Do you want a manicure?
- “你要不要喝一杯?”“不,谢谢,我不能久待。” 'Do you want a drink?' 'No, thanks, I can't stay.'
- 先生,您要点什么? What do you want, sir?
- 您要不要尝尝苹果馅饼? Would you like to try some apple pies?
- 吃饭时要喝点什么吗? Would you like something to drink with your meal?
- 您要不要我把头发做成形? Do you want me to shape it?
- 请问您要不要来一块炸鸡? Would you care for a piece of fried chicken?
- 要喝点什么吗? And what would you like to drink with your meal?
- 您要不要订这次航班的票? Would you like to book a ticket for flight?