- 您要不要吃点菠萝? Would you like some pineapples?
- 您要不要吃点荔枝? Would you like to have some lychees?
- 您要不要在等候时先吃点开胃的东西? Would you like some appetizer while you are waiting?
- 要不要来和我们一道吃点东西。 Would you come and have something with us?
- 你要来点菠萝吗? Would you like some pineapples?
- 我们今天有很好的菲力小牛排,您要不要试试? We have very good filet mignon today. Would you like to try?
- 甲:听起来很不错,我们要吃点海味,换换口味。 A: It sounds wonderful. We need seafood for a change.
- 您要不要订本饭店另一家餐厅的席位。 Would you like to make a reservation at another restaurant in the hotel?
- 医生:你要吃点退热净。你可以在对面那条街的药店买到这种药。 Doctor: You should take some acetaminophen for your fever. You can get some at the pharmacy across the street.
- 您要不要跟上次一样烫头发? Do you want a perm like you had last time?
- 您要不要修指甲? Do you want a manicure?
- 您要吃点儿什么吗? Can I offer you something to eat?
- 咱们要不要先办完海关手续,然后吃午饭? Shall we go through the Customs and then have lunch?
- 你要不要吃一颗糖果? Will you have a candy?
- 喝完了汤您要吃什么? What will you have to follow the soup?
- 或者要不要弗里曼先生给您回个电话? Or do you want Mr. Freeman to call you back?
- 您要吃什么?鸡肉还是猪肉? What do you like to have,chicken or port?
- 要不要到那边坐,有空位时我再叫您。 Could you take a seat over there and I will call you when a table is free.
- 你: 要不要吃些点心? Would you like some snacks?
- 您要不要尝尝苹果馅饼? Would you like to try some apple pies?