- 您能在这里等一下吗? Would you wait here for a minute?
- 您能坐这儿等一下吗? Would you please sit down and wait for a moment?
- 希望您能在这里通过阅读和聆听来分享我的创造力、想象力。祝您愉快! Hope you could see my creativity and imagination via reading and listening. So have fun!
- 桑儿挂上电话,对姿瑞莎 - 黑根和迈克尔说:“你们两个能在外面等一下吗? When Sonny hung up the phone he said to Theresa Hagen and Michael, "Can you two wait outside?
- 你只要说声对不起就什么事都没有了,我却在这里等了两个小时! It's all very well for you to say you're sorry,but I've been waiting here for two hours!
- 您能帮我再查一下吗?我的名字不能在电脑商品写,如果您还是找不到,我可以和您的监督官说一下吗?拜托了。 Could you check again? My name may not be spelt on the computer. If you still can't find it. Could I speak to your supervisor, please?
- "本特森是一个不折不扣的德州佬,在这里住了一辈子,服务参议院,代表德州人凡十七年。" "Lloyd Bentsen is Texan through and trough, lived here all his life, served in the Senate, representing Texans for17 years."
- 您能在前厅等着吗,先生? Could you just wait in the entrance hall, sir?
- “米娜喝醉了,”埃文说,“我在这里等着,你去把她安顿在床上。” "Minna's drunk," said Evan. "I'll wait here until you've put her to bed.
- "那么我要给母亲买本书," 他说道。 "非常感谢。我希望将来有一天能报答您。" "Then I'll buy a book for Mother, " he said. "I thank you very much, some day I hope I can repay you."
- 伯伯是等一下较好。 It is preferable that you wait.
- 吸烟的人不能在火车的某些地方走动。 People who smoke cannot travel in certain parts of the train.
- 你能详细解释一下吗? Can you explain it in detail?
- 我不敢相信,我在这里等了这么多年,时至今日才找到支配我心灵的皇后, I can't believe I'm standing here Been waiting for so many years and Today I found the queen to reign my heart.
- 列车员: 我希望您能在这次旅行中设法抽些时间观光。 I hope you can manage to have some sight seeing in your trip.
- 你是说你有能力在这里工作下去吗? Would you say you were capable of working here?
- 我们等一下跟丹尼斯教授说话时,记得要客气有礼貌。 When we talk to Professor Daniels. Remember to be civil and courteous.
- 在这里工作有一件伤脑筋的事,就是在办公处附近很难停车。 One of the annoyances of work here is the difficulty of parking near the office.
- 可以打扰您一下吗? May I bother you for a moment.
- 开发人员能在其它的程序中(甚至是用其它语言写的程序中)重复使用它们。 Developers can reuse them in other programs -- even programs written in another language.