- 您能不能帮个忙? I wonder if you will do something for me.
- 您能不能帮我关掉我座位上面的小灯? Could you help me turn off the reading light?
- 不忙您是否能帮个忙,我不太清楚怎么搭地铁。 I wonder if you could help me out. I'm a little unsure about using the subway system.
- 我洗漱时您能不能帮我准备好早饭?今天我值日。 Would you please help me get my breakfast ready when I wash my face and brush my teeth? I'm on duty today.
- 不能 cannot
- 您能帮我个忙吗? Can you do me a favour?
- 不能不 cannot but
- 让我进来帮个忙吧--你不是身染重病,又正在患难之中吗? Let me come in and help -you are sick and in trouble.
- 您能不能解释得明确一点? Is it possible for you to go into it in more detail?
- 明天你能帮个忙吗?我想把我家闲置着的那个房间里的一些东西新整理安排一下。 Can you bear me a hand tomorrow? I want to rearrange some things in our spare room.
- 那刚好。您能不能带我们去看看这些皮影是怎么制作出来的呢? That's great. Can you show us how such puppets are made?
- 你能不能帮我一下? Can you help me?
- 我们有个小问题,能帮个忙吗? We have a small problem. Can you help us?
- 您能帮我拿这个重包吗? Would you help me carry this heavy bag?
- 你能不能帮我弄一下这酒瓶?我拿不出瓶塞了。 Can you help me with the wine bottle. I can't get the cork out.
- 能帮个忙吗? Could you give me a hand?
- 您能帮我把这件纪念品邮到美国吗? Can you mail this souvenir to America for me?
- 你能不能帮帮我? Could you possibly give me a hand?
- 如果您能给我这些玩具,我非常感谢您。如果您不能,我还是会祝愿您有个快乐圣诞节! If you can get me these toys, I Thank you. And if you can't I still wish you a Merry Christmas!
- 我能请你帮个忙吗? May I ask a boon of you?