- 您肯定没弄错姓名吗? Are you sure you have the right name?
- 您肯定不想留下您的名字吗? Are you sure you don't want to leave your name?
- 如果我没弄错您的意思,那么您想念应该教孩子们爱花 "If I perceive your meaning correctly , then you believe children shall be taught to love flower ? "
- 吗 morphine
- 姓名 name and surname
- 有。这件粉色的您肯定喜欢。 Yes, here it is. You will like this pink one.
- 弄错 fault
- “您肯定要用某种方式来处置它罗?” "You will, of course, dispose of it in some way or other?"
- 如果我没弄错的话 ... if I am not mistaken ...
- 你记得起那孩子的姓名吗? Can you bring to mind the name of the child?
- 肯定没问题吗? And no mistake?
- 你还记得史密斯有限公司总经理的姓名吗? Do you remember the name of the managing director of Smith ltd.?
- 弄错了 stand in error
- 您肯定不希望无意中创建令人难以辨别的图片或幻觉效果。 You don't want to inadvertently create eye-popping art or an optical illusion.
- 没错 I'm quite sure.
- 我可以问一下你的姓名吗? May I have your name, please?
- 做点广告宣传会大大促进贵方产品的销售,这一点您肯定会同意吧。 Surely you'll agree that a small advertising campaign will go far in paving the way for your product.
- 到现在我也没弄明白为什么比尔会走过来问我是不是不舒服。 Bill came over and asked if I felt all right. I wonder why?
- 你记得起那孩子的姓名吗? Can you bring to mind the name of the child?
- 首先,如果你的兄弟是哪个有问题的州的州长的话,肯定没问题。 Well, first, it helps if your brother is the governor of the state in question.