- 一个或多个选定的IP过滤器列表正在使用。您确定吗? One or more of the selected IP Filter Lists are in use. Are you sure?
- 您确定吗?先生。 Are you sure,sir?
- 吗 morphine
- 将彻底删除您所选择的根目文件,你确定吗? This operation will delete the selected root directory, are you sure?
- 你确定吗? Are you sure?
- 请您 would you please; please
- 时间就是金钱。你确定吗? Time is money. Are you sure?
- 愿您早日康复! May you recover soon!
- 是吗 is that right
- 按照您的具体需要即时帮助您确定低温泵的尺寸和类型。 Prompt assistance in determining the exact size and type of pump to best answer your specific need.
- 关於那数字你十分确定吗? Are you quite sure about the number?
- 除非您确定需要更改临时内存的大小,否则不要轻易更改它。 It's a good idea not to change the temporary memory size unless you are confident you need to.
- 可以吗? Any chance?
- 你好吗? How are you?
- 对吗 is it right
- 估计数据库的大小还可以帮助您确定是否需要修改数据库设计。 Estimating the size of a database can also help you determine whether the database design needs refining.
- 该指南将通过下面三个问题,帮助您确定哪种类型的驱动器和接口最适合您 This guide helps you determine the right type of drive and interface using these three questions
- 警告。这素材在使用着。你确定吗? Warning. This footage is in use. Are you?
- ,以帮助您确定日程中的问题。 To help you identify schedule problems.
- 证据不确定,科学也不能够确定吗? That the evidence was inconclusive, the science uncertain?