- 您知道您的属相吗? Do you know what your zodiac is?
- 您知道您的独生子正在走邪道吗? Are you aware of your son's falling into evil way ?
- 您知道您的车速有多快吗? Do you have any idea of how fast you were going?
- 您知道您的学生对您有何印象吗? Do you know the impression of your students for you?
- 吗 morphine
- 您知道您的女儿正在交坏朋友吗? Are you aware of your daughter rs falling into bad company?
- 这倒不错,不过,您知道这是我们第一次投资,我们希望投资能有绝对的把握。 It's encouraging. Anyhow this is the first time for us to invest in China,we'd like to be absolutely sure about our investment.
- 感谢您的慷慨。 Thank you for your generosity.
- 请代我向您的双亲问好。 Please give my best regards to your parents.
- 不,先生,我想他不知道您要来。 No sir,I don't believe he knows you were coming.
- 彼得森先生,对您的热情和慷慨,我心里有说不出的感激。 It was kind and generous of you to do this for me,Mr. Peterson,and I appreciate it more than I can say.
- 请问您知道哪位能懂日文么?嗯,我来试下,请问您有什么需要? Do you know anyone can speak Japanese? Well, let's me try, what can I do for you?
- 您只需在车站入口处出示您的船票,就会准许您进站登车的。 Just show your boat tickets at the gate and they'll let you pass.
- 您知道项目管理和? Do you know project management and CMM?
- 讨论针对您的糖尿病和其它疾病的最佳个体化治疗方案。 Discuss the best individualized treatment plan for your diabetes and other medical conditions.
- 使用更多分区的唯一缺点很难知道您将来的需求。 The only real drawback to using more partitions is that it is often difficult to know in advance what your needs will be.
- 要我把您的络腮胡子刮掉吗? Would you like me to shave off your beard?
- 您知道法国有哪些作家么? Do you know any french writers? Book, novel.
- 不要用任何夹子、订书机、或者文件夹来装订您的材料。 Do not use any clips, staples or files to attach sheets together in your application.
- 请寄回同函卡片,让我们知道您确实有意于此事。 Mail the enclosed card with a deposit of %24 2. We will send you the machine at once.