- 您看行了吗? Is that all right?
- 我推荐这个,您看行吗? May I suggest this?
- 这里有一条二尺九的,您看行吗? Here is the one of 29. will that do?
- 我想给我这鞋打个牛皮包头儿,您看行吗? Can you put extra leather on my shoes so that they will not easily wear out?
- 这行了吗? Be this all right?
- 沃尔夫先生,填好了,您看行不行? A: Herr Wolf, es ist fertig. Ist es in Ordnung?
- 哼,除了念念书,你就什么也不会了。大主教,你看懂了吗? Yes, reading is about all you are fit for. Can you make it out, Archbishop?
- 如果您有衣服要洗,只要把它放在浴室内的洗衣袋里就行了。 If you've got some laundry,simply leave it in the laundry bag in your bathroom.
- 这些就行了吗? A: Will that be all then?
- 但您看! But look!
- 你自己看:一项精密的机械装置割开你眼角膜的一小片,看到了吗? See for yourself: A precision mechanical device slices a flap in your cornea, see?
- 一眼就能看行出她是苏珊·亨察尔长大起来的女儿。 A glance was sufficient to inform the eye that this was Susan Henchard's grown-up daughter.
- 给教堂捐些钱您看怎么样? What would you say to donate some money to the church?
- 您对西安的总体印象如何?西安以剪纸、木雕和彩陶负有盛名?从那里买什么都西作为纪念了吗? Is famous for its paper-cut, wooden carvings and colorful potteries. Did you buy anything from there as souvenirs?
- 你把三个抽屉都拉开看看不就行了吗! Ok, I'm in the kitchen looking at the microwave, and I see three drawers. Which one is it?
- 您看怎么办好? What do you want us to do?
- 我准备穿那套蓝衣服,你看行吗? I'm going to wear my blue suit. Is that all right?
- 给您看几套服装。 Let us show you some of our complete suit.
- 尼克:我们把低音调低了不就行了吗? Nick: Why don't we just turn the bass down?
- 您看,货运费并不很高。 You see, the shipping cost is quite moderate.