- 您的行李有问题吗? Is something wrong with your luggage?
- 请问您的行李有什么明显的特征吗? Does your suitcase have any special features?
- 您的图形硬件有问题吗?这些设置有助您诊断与显示有关的问题。 Are you having problems with your graphics hardware? These settings can help you troubleshoot display-related problems.
- 您的图形硬件有问题吗?这些设置对Windows使用图案硬件进行控制。有助您诊断与显示有关的问题。 Are you having problems with your graphics hardware? These settings control how Windows uses your graphics hardware. They can help you to troubleshoot display-related problems.
- 请将您的行李放在架子上。 Please put your luggage on the rack.
- 她很想知道那行李有什么东西。 She was curious what she would find in the baggage.
- 规模:了解基金的规模。规模小,可能是有问题的征兆。 Size - Identify the size of the fund in which you are being invited to invest.
- 那是您的行李吗? Is that your luggage?
- 你们以前没有做过匹染吗?你们的匹染没有色差和缩率问题吗? Have you ever did piece dyed,any fabric problem on colour shrinkage?
- 您的行李马上就拿到您的房间。 Your luggage will be brought up to your room in a minute.
- 你还有问题吗? Have you any further questions?
- 每天我们领受您的加持,觉得自己能有像您一般慈爱的师父,真是何等的幸运。 There is not a day that goes by where we do not count our blessings and consider ourselves extremely fortunate for having such a loving and merciful Master as Yourself.
- 你的行李通关了吗? Have you cleared your luggage with customs?
- 由于有约在后,不得不谢绝您的邀请。 I must decline your invitation owing to a subsequent engagement.
- 有问题吗? Is anything wrong?
- 您上方的行李舱内有枕头和小毯子。 There are a pillow and small blanket stored in the compartment above you,sir.
- 这一段有问题吗? Have you got any questions about this paragraph.
- 彼得森先生,对您的热情和慷慨,我心里有说不出的感激。 It was kind and generous of you to do this for me,Mr. Peterson,and I appreciate it more than I can say.
- 这是您的行李领取证,机票,登机及护照. Here are your baggage claim tags, flight ticket, boarding pass and passport.
- 怎么,有问题吗? Is everything all right?