- 您的帐号是多少? What is your account number?
- 如果您使用的不是PINpass电话,请在提示音后输入您的帐号和PIN号码。 If you are not using one of your PINpass phones, at the voice prompt, enter your Account number and PIN.
- 没问题。5:15叫您起床。您的房间号是多少? B: That's no problem. 5:15 is booked for your alarm call. What's your room number?
- 顾客:啊,我忘记填写了。我叫萨利·马斯。我的帐号是78007476。 Customer: Ah, I forgot to fill in. My name is Sully Thomas. My account number is78007476.
- 帐号 account number
- 请问您的房号是多少? May I know your room number, please?
- 您每次为非金融会员登入您的帐户就会自动自然1000点数。 Every time you logon as a non financial user you will be given a thousand credits automatically to begin play with.
- 您的社会保险号是多少? What's your Social Security number?
- 请注意每个娱乐以及下载的帐号必须有一个特别的电子邮件. Please note that each Fun &Downloads account must have a unique email address.
- 没问题。您预订了5:30的叫起服务。您的房间号码是多少? That's no problem. 5:30 is booked for your alarm call. What's your room number?
- 您该先把这支票存入您的帐户。 You should pay the check into your account first.
- 我的帐号是18-005437-8。 My account number is 18-005437-8.
- 请把您的帐簿(或明细帐)送来。 Please send me your account or a detailed or an itemize account.
- 附带条件委付盖印契约帐号是匮?税捐及保险支付所需要的。 Escrow accounts for property taxes and insurance payments are required.
- 我们会在您的帐单上删除这道菜的费用。 We'll cross the green crab off the bill.
- 接线员:您要打的分机号是多少? What's the extension number?
- 这是您的帐单,先生。 And here is your bill, sir.
- 该帐号是/ EU-tu: -EU-fR: -Wri:-eIt-wQn; o-tu-o-fRr-Wri-et-wQn/ (0204381). The account number is 0-two-0-four-three-eight-one(0204381).
- 您项更改您的帐户的密码吗? Do you want to change the Passport for your account?
- 可以用IntraVerse控制面板上的帐号管理器输入帐号信息。 You use the account manager on the intraverse control panel to enter account information.