- 您的头发要洗吗? Do you want your hair shampooed?
- 夫人,您的头发要怎样处理? Washed or dressed?
- 您还有别的东西要洗吗? Anything else that you want to wash?
- 对不起,您有衣服要洗吗,先生? Excuse me, do you have any laundry, sir?
- 你的头发要怎样理呢? How do you like your haircut?
- 杰克逊一生一直勤奋工作,45岁前他的头发就已经掉光了。 Jackson worked so hard in his life that he turned out bald as a coot before the age of45.
- 好的,还有别的东西要洗吗? Very well. Anything else that you want to wash?
- 我把您的头发高高地盘在头顶。 I will pile your hair high on top.
- 不要因为我说你的头发是姜黄色就大发雷霆-你也知道事实就是这样。 Don't get into a wax because I said you hair is ginger-you know that it is.
- 夫人,这个要洗吗? Is this for laundry, madam?
- 这件绿色的衣服和她红色的头发相互映衬,显得格外协调。 The green dress showed up to advantage with her read hair.
- 搽一点护发素对您的头发有好处。 Some hair tonic would be good to your hair.
- 头发要怎么分呢? On which side do you want your part?
- 当我给她一些钱后,她就看着一个水晶球,说:“您的一位亲戚要来看您。” After I had given her some money, she looked into a crystal ball and said: "A relation of yours is coming to see you."
- 她的头发在火灾中全部烧掉了,但医生保证会很快长出来。 All her hair was burned off in the fire, but the doctors have promised that it will soon grow in again.
- 要我把您的络腮胡子刮掉吗? Would you like me to shave off your beard?
- 你的头发要剪剪/洗洗了 your hair wants cutting/washing
- 请问您的衣服是要洗、烫、干洗还是织补? Please tell me whether you need your clothes to be ironed,washed,dry-cleaned,or mended and also the time to get them back.
- "小伙子,你的头发要好好梳一梳了。" "Boy, your hair needs a good comb."
- 现在你可以把这个洗衣缸盖打开,再把要洗的东西放进去就行了,你明白了吗? Then you open the cabin here and put your laundry in,get it?