- 您的头发想怎么做? How do you want your hair done?
- 您的头发想朝哪边分? On which side do you want to parting?
- (您的头发想朝哪边分?) A: On which side do you want to parting?
- 小姐,我该怎么做您的头发? How shall I do your hair, miss?
- 怎么 (interrogative pronoun)
- 你的头发今天想怎么做? How would you like your hair done today.
- 我知道您刚从英国归来,但是我想,您会在百忙中光临的。期待您的到来。 I know you have just returned from England but I hope you're not too busy to come. I'm looking forward to seeing you.
- 太太,我该怎么做您的头发? How shall I do it, madam?
- 杰克逊一生一直勤奋工作,45岁前他的头发就已经掉光了。 Jackson worked so hard in his life that he turned out bald as a coot before the age of45.
- 你想怎么做都可以。 You are free to do as you wish.
- 不要因为我说你的头发是姜黄色就大发雷霆-你也知道事实就是这样。 Don't get into a wax because I said you hair is ginger-you know that it is.
- 您想怎么装修您的房屋? How do you want to decorate your house?
- 这件绿色的衣服和她红色的头发相互映衬,显得格外协调。 The green dress showed up to advantage with her read hair.
- 万一失火,光依靠消防队员是不够的,我们应知道发生火灾时该怎么做。 It is not enough only to draw on fire fighters in case of fire. We should know what to do when a fire breaks out.
- 她的头发在火灾中全部烧掉了,但医生保证会很快长出来。 All her hair was burned off in the fire, but the doctors have promised that it will soon grow in again.
- “马德兰先生,我从来只认得一个人有能力照您的话去做。” "Monsieur Madeleine, I have never known but one man capable of doing what you ask."
- 她这样做完全出于自愿,她想怎么做就怎么做,谁也管不着。 She acted of her own free will. What she would do she did and made nobody responsible.
- 我把您的头发高高地盘在头顶。 I will pile your hair high on top.
- 您想怎么理呢? How do you want to have your hair cut?
- 她的行为完全不受约束,她爱怎么做就怎么做就怎么做。 Her behavior was uninhibited, and she did as she pleased.