- 您的国籍? What is your country of citizenship?
- 请问您的国籍? Would you mind if I ask your nationality?
- 请问您的国籍是哪里? Would you mind if I asked your nationality?
- 弗朗西斯:您的国籍,贝利小姐。 Francis: Your nationality, Miss Bailey?
- 是的,先生。本月12日这一天您的帐户上透支了15美元。 Yes, sir. Your account was overdrawn 15 dollars on the 12th of this month.
- 一个人出生时的国籍应和他的父母的国籍一样的法律规则。 The principle that a person's nationality at birth is the same as that of his natural parents.
- 请在您的合同副本中将遗漏的“平均重量”字样加上去。 Please insert in your copy of the contract the word "average weight" which is missed out.
- 她谎报自己的国籍。 She storied about her nationality.
- 感谢您的慷慨。 Thank you for your generosity.
- 理查德是美国人,约翰是英国人,他们具有不同的国籍。 Richard is american, John is British - they have different nationalities.
- 如果您的价格难以接受,我们的客户就会转向其他的供应商。 If your price is unacceptable, our end-users will turn to other suppliers.
- 任何人的国籍不得任意剥夺,亦不得否认其改变国籍的权利。 No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his nationality nor denied the right to change his nationality.
- 表明这一事实的例证,毫无疑问地再次表现在诺贝尔奖桂冠获得者的国籍上。 One of the many indications of this fact is undoubtedly, once again, the nationality of the Nobel laureates.
- 当我给她一些钱后,她就看着一个水晶球,说:“您的一位亲戚要来看您。” After I had given her some money, she looked into a crystal ball and said: "A relation of yours is coming to see you."
- 在这个意义非凡的日子里,我们一起欢庆您的诞辰,我们在内心交流彼此的爱。 Our words can never fully express our gratitude and love for Thee. On this special day, we joyously celebrate Your HAPPY BIRTHDAY with You, heart to heart.
- 根据美国法律,奖学金和研究员薪金(有一定限度)不必纳税,不论得者的国籍或居留身分。 Under United States law, scholarships or fellowships (up to certain limits) are not taxable, regardless of the recipient's citizenship or residence
- 每天我们领受您的加持,觉得自己能有像您一般慈爱的师父,真是何等的幸运。 There is not a day that goes by where we do not count our blessings and consider ourselves extremely fortunate for having such a loving and merciful Master as Yourself.
- 我们给您的报价单,和我们报给国内市场的是同样基准呀! We give you quotations on the same basis as we quote in the domestic market.
- 税务局:请坐。请介绍一下您的国籍? Tax official: Sit down,please. Let us discuss it. Your nationality?
- 忽视应用程序保护会增加您的组织将面临的各种风险,包括知识产权失窃、破解和盗版等。 Ignoring application protection increases the risk to your organization in the form of intellectual property theft, hacking, and piracy.