- 您比较喜欢哪一类食物? What kind of food would you prefer?
- 您可以请指甲师帮您试一下颜色,看您比较喜欢哪一种。 You can ask your manicurist to try the colors on you, and see which one you prefer.
- 您比较喜欢哪种音乐? What kind of music would you prefer?
- 你喜欢哪一类片子,国产的还是国外的? Which do you prefer,Chinese or foreign movies?
- 您比较喜欢靠窗、靠走道还是中间的座位? Would you prefer a window, aisle or center seat?
- 您比较喜欢哪一样,鱼肉或鸡肉? Which do you like better, fish or chicken?
- 吃谷类食物和水果能多摄取纤维素 Eating cereal and fruit will give you plenty of fibre in your diet
- 热只是被贮存在燃料或食物一类东西里的几种能量中的一种。 Heat is only one of several kinds of energy that is stored up in such things as fuel and food.
- 均衡饮食应该含有不同种类的食物,以全谷类食物作为每餐主要食粮。 A balanced diet consists of a variety of food. Whole grains should be consumed as the major component of each meal.
- 这里有咖啡和茶,你比较喜欢哪一种? There is coffee or tea. Which would you prefer?
- 今年她又列入失败的那一类人之中。 She ranked with the failures again this year.
- 众所周知,致癌的主要因素包括抽烟、高脂肪类食物、太阳直晒以及遗传。 We all know about the major risk factors for cancer -- smoking, fatty foods, exposure to the sun and heredity.
- 其中每种类型的域都包含多种形式,可以帮助您比较和评估进度:计划(计划:任务开始日期和完成日期以及资源和成本数据的日程。 Variations of each of these types of fields help you compare and evaluate your progress: planned (plan: A schedule of task start and finish dates and resource and cost data.
- 我比较喜欢侦探片,你呢? I prefer detective story, and you?
- 它们应该归属哪一类目? Under what category do they belong?
- 到底看哪一部影片,别再犹豫了,不然的话,两部影片你都要耽误了! Stop dithering about which film you want to see or you'll miss them both!
- 比较喜欢投资的部门:人类和牲畜医药品、营养品、生物医药。 Preferred sectors: Human and Veterinary pharmaceuticals, Nutrition, Biotechnology.
- A餐附有饭或凉面,您要哪一种? The "A" course comes with rice or chilled noodles. Which would you prefer?
- 我倒比较喜欢你不单独前往。 I should prefer you not to go there alone.
- 他不是他们所喜欢的那一类人。 He is not the type of man that they go for.