- 您有订位吗? Do you have reservations?
- 我没有订位,但是你们有五个人的桌位吗? I haven't made reservations,but do you have a table for five?
- 吗 morphine
- 晚上好,请问您是否有订座? Good evening Welcome to the 'XXX', Have you made reservation?
- 我订了两份报纸,一份是早报,一份下午出版。你有订报纸吗? I have subscriptions to two newspapers. One is put out in the morning and the other is published in the afternoon. Do you subscribe to any papers?
- 请问您知道哪位能懂日文么?嗯,我来试下,请问您有什么需要? Do you know anyone can speak Japanese? Well, let's me try, what can I do for you?
- 有订做配套设备的厨房;有订做配套家具的卧室 a fitted kitchen/bedroom
- 请问先生有没有订座? Have you made a reservation, sir?
- 您认为您有理财的能力吗? Would you say you had the competence for handling money?
- 我可以订位吗? Can I reserve seats on the train?
- 当您有少量数据希望以表的格式显示时,此功能会非常有用。 This is useful when you have a small amount of data that you want to display in a table format.
- 先生,你有订房间确认票吗? Do you have a confirmation note, sir?
- 当您有2位下线夥伴时,您可以轻易照顾。 When you have 2 downline customers, you ll be able to manage them easily.
- 您有手提行李吗? Do you have any hand-luggage?
- 根据第(1)款发出的通知书?除其中另有订定外?亦适用于通知书内指明的财产的收入?一如适用于该项财产本身。 A notice under subjection (1) shall, unless it otherwise provides, apply to the income from any property specified therein as it applies to the property itself.
- 请问我可以预先订位吗? Do you think I can book a seat in advance?
- 您有甲状腺疾病吗? Do you have Thyroid disease.
- 您有学德语的打算吗? Do you have any intention of learning german language?
- 如有取消订位或未有使用套餐内之服务,所缴之费用将不获退还. No refund for any cancel booking or unused on air ticket/hotel portion.
- 您有密码吗? Do you have a code number?