- 您有血压高吗? Do you have any high blood pressure problem.
- 店员:您老伴血压高吗?有冠心病吗? Shop assistant: Does your wife have coronary heart disease? Or high blood pressure?
- 您有会影响学习的残疾或慢性疾病吗? Do you have a disability, impairment or long-term medical condition, which may affect your studies?
- 备有 stock
- 您认为您有理财的能力吗? Would you say you had the competence for handling money?
- 保有 tenure
- 高新区 high and new technology industrial development zone
- 有时间 free
- 愿您早日康复! May you recover soon!
- 要求高 expect much
- 抱有 possess
- 房价房价太高吗。不相关的问题太高吗。 The price of housing is too highThe price of housing is too high'': irrelevant!: Irrelevant!
- 您有否想过此事? Have you ever thought about that?
- 有竞争力 competitive
- 有误 wrong; mistaken
- 你的血压只是稍稍高一点。 Your blood pressure is only a little high.
- 总统先生,您有何评论? Do you have any comment, Mr President?
- 没有信心 self-distrust
- 患有 suffer from
- 您有没有预订座位? Have you reserved your table?