- 您有没有空? Do you have some free time?
- 请告诉我您的大名、公司名称和您的业务性质,我看他现在有没有空。 Please give your name,company and the nature of your business and I'll see if he's available.
- 有 to have
- 我要瞧瞧记事簿看下星期三有没有空。 I'll look in my diary to see if I'm free next Wednesday.
- 没 not
- 您有没有餐卷? Do you have a meal voucher?
- 有点 rather
- 今晚有没有空? Are you free tonight?
- 您有没有地址? Do you have the address?
- 今晚有没有空床位给两个女孩子呢? Are there any beds available for two girls tonight?
- 您有没有心脏病? Do you have any heart trouble?
- 希望您有空能来看看我们。我们想念您。祝您有一个愉快的母亲节。 I hope that you will come down and see us sometime. We miss you. Have a happy Mother's Day.
- 你有没有时间? Have you time?
- 你有没有空房子出租? Do you have apartments available for rent?
- 您有没有打折卡? Do you have our discount card?
- 今晚有没有空房间? Do you have any vacancies tonight?
- 你们在旅行中有没有什么令人激动的事情? Were there any exciting incidents during your journey?
- 我们想知道你有没有相反的意见要说。 We wish to know if you have anything to say in opposition.
- 您有没有预订座位? Have you reserved your table?
- 他问我下周有没有空。 He asked me whether I would be free the next week.