- 您有哪种? What kind do you have, sir?
- 您有哪种外币? What kind of foreign currency have you got, sir?
- 有 to have
- 出当然,您有哪种货币? Certainly. What kind of currency have you got?
- 您有哪一种信用卡? What kind of card have you got?
- 除米以外,还有哪种粮食是我国人民最常吃的? Next to rice,what is the grain most largely used by our people?
- 请问您知道哪位能懂日文么?嗯,我来试下,请问您有什么需要? Do you know anyone can speak Japanese? Well, let's me try, what can I do for you?
- 这些野生水果有哪一种是安全可吃的吗? Is any of these wild fruits safe to eat?
- 您有很多种方法可以获得动态域名解析服务。 There are several possibilities to get a dynamic DNS.
- 你有哪种海鲜? What kind of seafood do you have ?
- 今晚音乐会上将有哪种古典音乐? What sort of classic the concert will have tonight?
- 对邮件进行标记非常容易,您有六种颜色可以选择。 Flagging a message is easy, and you have six colors to choose from.
- 你有哪种嗜好? What kind of hobby do you have?
- 你有哪种麦片粥呢? What kind of cereal do you have?
- 您有兴趣看哪种价格的? What price range are you interested in looking at?
- 有哪一种勇气,能挡得住喋喋不休,咄咄逼人的可怕的女人的舌头? What courage can withstand the everduring and all-besetting terrors of a woman's tongue?
- 您要哪种洗发精? What shampoo do you prefer?
- 我对商业没兴趣。我有哪一种前途呢? I have no interest in business. What kind of future do I have?
- 好的,这种音响有哪种质量保证? B: Yes, what sort of warranty comes with this stereo?
- 有这么多种酒,真不知选哪种好了。 There are so many wines here. I don't know which to take.