- 您是怎样认识申请者的? How and under what circumstances do you know applicant?
- 你是怎样认识她呢? How did you get to know her?
- 你是怎样认识他的? How did you become acquainted with him?
- 如果可以的话,我想纠正一下您说的话:在我国,在职培训是依法必须进行的。 If I may, I'd like to correct something you said: in my country, in-service training is compulsory by law.
- 认识 be acquainted with (a person)
- 你是怎样认识她呢? How did you get to know her?
- 资格预审根据《招标指南》,对申请者的经验、能力、设备及人员和资金进行确认。 prequalification assessment would be conducted following the Guidelines and based on satisfactory evidence of previous experience and capacity including equipment, personnel and financial resourcese
- 请稍等会儿,我查查,您是说叫狄龙·李嘉图先生吗? Just a moment,please. I'll check. Mr. Tyrone Ricardo,you said?
- 如果你愿意听一会儿,我就讲讲防盗警报器是怎样工作的。 If you will lend me your ear for a minute, I will explain how the burglar alarm works.
- A一定非常有趣吧!那你又是怎样认识高雨的呢? A Must be quite interesting. So how do you know Gao Yu?
- 您是通过不认识的某个人发来的电子邮件知道该站点的。 The site is referred to you through an e-mail message from someone you don't know.
- 上面附有目录,我不知道你们到底是怎样得出那笔数字的。 Here's a kind of list attached, but I can not make out how on earth you have come to this amount.
- 卡特先生,认识您是我的荣幸。 My pleasure. Mr. Carter.
- 我的第一个问题是你怎样认识他的? The first question I'd ask is how you knew him?
- 他详细地叙述了事故是怎样发生的。 He described in detail how the accident happened.
- 您是对的,但是您必须认识到,鸡蛋价格在春天通常是下跌的。 You're right,but you've got to realize(that) egg prices usually go down in the spring.
- 您可以向我说明你们是怎样计算的吗? Could you tell me how you managed to add them up?
- 你还记得我们怎样认识的吗? Do you recall our first meeting?
- 真不知他是怎样把那秘密弄到手的。 I wonder how he could manage to possess himself of that secret.
- 丽莎:噢,怎样认识鲍勃的? Lisa: Oh, how do you know Bob?