- 您是否还个价? Do you want to make a counter-offer?
- 好吧,您能不能还个价。 All right. Would you give us a counter-offer then?
- 我想知道您是否还记得起那次事故的详情。 I'd like to know if you could recall the details of the accident.
- 我请他对这些画估个价。 I asked him to set a value on the pictures.
- 请还个价 Let's have you counter-offer.
- 能否请告诉我,您是否还记得曾给他去过一封信? Will you mind telling me if you still remembered to send him a letter ?
- 给我出个价吧。 Make me an offer.
- 我向他出了个价, 要买那张古董桌子. I made him a bid for the antique table.
- 您是否跟上一次一样烫发? Do you want a perm as you had last time?
- 在我们开始谈判之前,你要先出个价才行。 Before we have anything to negotiate, you have to make me an offer.
- 迈克把脑袋伸出窗外,看看是否还在下雨。 Mike poked his nose out of the window to see if it was still raining.
- 您是否能详细地说明一下主题? Would you please explain the theme in detail?
- 考虑到你是我们的新客户,我们希望发展我们双方的长期合作。请你还个价好吗? As you are our new customer, we hope to develop the long - term co - operation between us. Can you make a counter offer?
- 不知您是否知道他们是怎么做的? I am wondering whether you remember how they made it?
- 是否还有勇气去爱? Do we still have the courage to love?
- 考虑到你是我们的新客户,我们希望发展我们双方的长期合作。请你还个价好吗? As you are our new customer,we hope to develop the long-term co-operation between us. Can you make a counter offer?
- 您是否考虑过辞职? Did you think of resign?
- 我是否还出现在你的生活中 Do i still figure in your life
- 您是否使用发料单? Do you have and use a dispatch list?
- 是否还记得那段地下的青春期? Do You Still Remember the Underground Age?