- 您是吃份饭还是点菜? Would you like to have table dhote or book the dishes?
- 您是要点菜用餐还是吃份饭? Are you going to dine a la carte or have the set lunch?
- 你想吃点菜,还是吃份饭? Will you dine a la carte or take the table d'hote?
- 您是吃点菜还是套餐菜? Will you dine a la carte or take table d'hote?
- 您是吃点菜还是公司菜? Will you dine a la carte or take d'hote?
- 请稍等会儿,我查查,您是说叫狄龙·李嘉图先生吗? Just a moment,please. I'll check. Mr. Tyrone Ricardo,you said?
- 您是要提供预定的订阅、事件驱动的订阅,还是同时提供这两者? Do you want to offer scheduled subscriptions, event-driven subscriptions, or both?
- 这里只能点菜(没有份饭) Everything is a la carte.
- 他们所急需的是吃的,穿的和住的。 Their immediate need is for food, clothing and shelter.
- 孩子们吃起红肠土豆来总是吃得肚皮胀鼓鼓的。 The children would eat sausage and mash until it came out of their ears.
- 您是让我好好修一修? Do you want me to give it a good trimming?
- 正餐我们吃鸡还是吃鸭? Shall we have chicken or duck for dinner?
- 您是我最喜欢的教师。 You are my favorite instructor.
- 您是要寄空邮还是平邮? Do want to mail it by air or by ordinary mail?
- 这孩子是吃牛奶养大的。 The child was raised on the bottle.
- 您是说我应该把顶部剪短些? You mean I shall cut the top fairly short?
- 不吃了,真的。我从来都是吃不多的。 No,really. I have never been much of an eater.
- 我们了解到您是专营小五金出口的。 We have come to know that you specialize in the export of hardwires.
- 牛是吃草的动物。 Cattle are herbivorous animals.
- 您是什么打算? What's your intention?