- 您愿意去饭店吃晚饭吗?我来请。 Voulez-vous alller diner au restaurant? Je vous invite.
- 你愿意来吃晚饭吗? Would you like to come to supper?
- 大堂酒吧里有表演,您愿意去看吗? There is a floor show in our lobby bar. Would you like to see it?
- 你想让我留下来吃晚饭吗? Do you want to supper me?
- 星期天晚上我可以邀请你吃晚饭吗? Can I invite you for dinner on Sunday night?
- 你愿意去听今晚的音乐会吗?很遗憾时间太仓促了,我今天才拿到票子。 Would you like to go to a concert this evening? I'm sorry it's such short notice but I was only given the tickets today.
- "那么我要给母亲买本书," 他说道。 "非常感谢。我希望将来有一天能报答您。" "Then I'll buy a book for Mother, " he said. "I thank you very much, some day I hope I can repay you."
- 然后他俩可能会去一家中国餐馆吃晚饭,以此来结束一天的活动。 After that, they might end their day dining in a restaurant that serves Chinese cuisine.
- 您不认为信用证跟现金差不多吗?而且如果您愿意,什么时候都是可以贴现的。 Don't you think a letter of credit is just as good as cash? And you can discount it at any time, if you like.
- "你什么时候去上大学?" "下周,所有的学生都是那时去。" "When do you go up to your university?" "Next week, all the students go up then."
- "你去不去看电影?" "随便好啦。" "Would you like to go to the cinema?" "I'm not bothered."
- "跟随我去看电影吧。" "不行,我必须留在家里工作。" "Come to a film with me." "Nothing doing; I've got to stay home and work."
- 您不能指望我相信这事。 You can't expect me to believe that.
- "难道我不是人吗?" "Am I not a man and a brother?"
- "你父亲还好吗?" "还不是老样子。" "How is your father?" "Much the same(as he was)."
- 您打算怎么办? What do you intend to do?
- "当然罗," 老师说,"去告诉你父亲,多谢他想着我。" "I certainly do, " said the teacher, "and you tell your father he is very kind to think of me."
- 正如你们不愿意一样,他们也不会答应的。 Just as you would not,so neither would they.
- 为了孩子,你可以一周至少回家吃一次晚饭吗? Can you come home and have dinner at least once a week for the kid's sake?
- 明晨6点整我将叫醒您。 Ill wake you up at 6 sharp tomorrow morning.