- 您想开什么样的账户? What sort of account do you have in mind ?
- 您要开什么样的账户? What kind of account do you want?
- 您想开什么类型的账户? What kind of account would you like?
- 您想开哪种账户? What kind of account do you want?
- 您想住什么样的客房? What type of accommodation are you looking for ?
- 当我有了足够的钱,第二个梦想是,我想开一家中式饭店,因为我的专业是饭店管理。 Second one when I got the money from my cottage and I think the second dream is just to open a Chinese hotel because my major was hotel management.
- 你们有什么样的账户? What accounts do you have?
- 我知道您刚从英国归来,但是我想,您会在百忙中光临的。期待您的到来。 I know you have just returned from England but I hope you're not too busy to come. I'm looking forward to seeing you.
- 想开 look on the bright side of things
- 在您取消订阅之前,WL将继续从您的账户中扣除服务费用。 WL will continue to take subscriptions from your account at 1 (one) calendar month intervals until you cancel your subscription.
- 您想要什么样的? How do you want it?
- 想开了 think away
- 当孩子解大小手训练完全时!您想要在报纸上,投一个全页的告示。 When potty training is complete, you take out a full-page public notice in the newspaper.
- 你还想开着飞机到自己在加勒比海买的一个岛上去!你真是在做梦! I loved your reaction when I told you I wanted to buy my own private island in the Caribbean. It was a hoot!
- 您想要买什么样的手表? What kind of watch did you have in your mind?
- 我想开一个活期储蓄的账户。 I want to oped a current account.
- 例如,您想对区域中至少做成一次买卖的所有销售人员进行计数。 For example, you want to count all salespeople who made at least one sale in a region.
- 我想开个账户。 I would like to open an account.
- 您想买什么样的? What kind will you like?
- 哦!你想开“NOW“户头呀!但你得把户头的最低额维持在六千元。 B: Oh, you want a "NOW" account, but you have to maintain a minimum balance of %246,000.00.