- 您想吃快餐还是点菜? Which do you prefer, fast food or a la carter?
- 吃什么,快餐还是点菜? Which do you prefer, the set meal or a carte?
- 您更喜欢哪个?快餐还是点菜? Which do you prefer? Fast food or a la carte?
- 汤米想吃快餐 Tommy wants to eat fast food
- 您想吃三明治吗? Would you like a sandwich?
- 吃 eat
- 不想 indisposition
- 您想吃西餐呢还是中餐? Which do you prefer,Western food or Chinese food?
- 您是吃份饭还是点菜? Would you like to have table dhote or book the dishes?
- 秘书一忙,中午就吃快餐。 The secretary took a quick lunch as she was busy.
- 您想要什么海鲜? What kind of seafood would you like?
- 美国老寿星吃快餐逾110年 Oldest American Ate Fast Food for More than 110 Years
- 您想试用一下这种不褪色唇膏吗? Would you like to try this color-fast lipstick?
- 现在我什么东西都不想吃。 I have no stomach for any food now.
- 他通常晚上吃得多,中午只吃快餐。 He usually has a large meal in the evening, and only a snack at lunch time.
- 您想在我们这儿存多少? How much do you want to deposit with us?
- 您想试试这种新胭脂吗? Do you want to have a try of this new rouge?
- 艾丽斯心里作呕,不想吃东西。 Alice was sick and had an apathy to food.
- 您想要吗? Would you like it?
- 在野营中吃了两星期的罐头食品,现在我真想吃一顿象样的美味饭菜。 After eating out of packets and tins for a fortnight while camping. I'm really looking forward to a decent square meal.