- 您想不想叫点酒配餐? Would you like to order some wine with your meal?
- 您想不想尝尝我们主厨推荐的雪莉酒? Would you like to try the sherry recommended by our chef?
- 您要不要叫点酒来下菜? Would you like to order some wine with your meal?
- “您想不想看一座在睡梦中的强盗营?” "Would you like to see a camp of bandits in repose?" he inquired.
- 不想 indisposition
- 约翰森先生,您想不想看看我们的展品室? Mr john, will you like to have a look at our showroom?
- 这是一封私人信件,我不想叫任何人看。 This letter is personal,and I don't want anyone else to read it.
- 您想不想尝尝袋鼠肉? Are you interested in trying some kangaroo meat?
- 我脑海里整天回荡著这个曲调,但我想不起来叫什麽了。 I've had this tune on the brain all day but I can't remember what it's called.
- 您想来点随餐酒吗? Would you care for some wine with your meal?
- “乔,我不想叫你失望。” "I don't want to spoil your illusions, Joe."
- 你想不想喝点饮料再走? Would you like something to drink before we leave?
- 您想要我在上面写点什么? What would you like us to write on it?
- “乔,我不想叫你失望。” "I don't want to spoil your illusions, Joe."
- 那个人叫什么名字来着?我一时想不起来。 Whatever is that man's name? It's on the tip of my tongue.
- 您想不用鼠标,而使用数字键盘吗? Do you want to use your numeric keypad instead of the mouse?
- 我不想做饭了,想叫个外卖。 I'd rather order take-out than to cook by myself.
- 您想喝点橙汁吗? Would you like some orange?
- 这曲子我听过,但想不起叫什么了。 I recognize the tune but I can't put a name to it.
- 您想先喝点什么吗? Would you like something to drink first?