- 您带了动植物产品吗? Are you bringing in any plants or animal products?
- 您带了多少钱? How much money do you have?
- 非常有毒的气体泄漏并影响到了动植物。 A very toxic gas escaped and sported flora and fauna.
- 您认为你们能够在更广泛的范围内推销产品吗? Do you think you are able to market the product on a wider range?
- 您带了几件行李? How many articles of luggage do you have?
- 你想了解一下产品吗? Do you like to look into your product in great detail?
- 您带了多少现金? How much cash are you carrying?
- 第十四条 输入动植物、动植物产品和其他检疫物,应当在进境口岸实施检疫。 Article 14 Import animals and plants, their products and other quarantine objects shall be quarantined at the port of entry;
- 真理仿佛带了它的结论而来;而那结论却产生了它的第二个。 Truth seems to come with its final word; And the final word gives birth to its next.
- 你能告诉我是哪些产品吗? Can you tell me what they be?
- 第十五条输入动植物、动植物产品和其他检疫物,经检疫合格的,准予进境; The import animals and plants, their products or other quarantine objects that pass the quarantine inspection are allowed to enter the country;
- 您带了多少照相机? How many cameras have you brought with you?
- 你能跟我保证我会喜欢这个产品吗? A: Can you guarantee me that I will like this product?
- 我希望你多带了一只手电筒或备用电池。这个手电筒的电池快用完了。 I hope you brought another torch or a spare battery. This one's at its last gasp.
- 第十四条输入动植物、动植物产品和其他检疫物,应当在进境口岸实施检疫。 Import animals and plants, their products and other quarantine objects shall be quarantined at the port of entry;
- 旅客: 我带了架摄像机,大概这是唯一需要申报的东西了。 Passer:I've brought a video camera with me. Maybe that's the only thing I should declare.
- 链接至更多信息没有找到你需要的产品吗? No external Schottky required. Integrated, lossless current-sense eliminates external current sense resistor. Space saving SSOP package.
- 烦劳您带几本书给他。 Would you mind taking a few books to him?
- (二)动植物疫情流行的国家和地区的有关动植物、动植物产品和其他检疫物; (2) Relevant animals and plants, their products and other quarantine objects from countries or regions with prevalent epidemic animal or plant diseases;
- 美国人物:亨利·福特创办了福特汽车公司并给汽车行业带了变革 People in America: Henry Ford Created the Ford Motor Company and Revolutionized the Auto Industry