- 您希望我送您去哪儿? Were do you wish me to take you?
- 您希望我送您到哪? Where do you wish me to take you?
- 您的肘关节恐怕骨折了。我送您去放射科检查一下。 I'm afraid you may have broken your elbow. I'll send you to the X-ray department to check.
- 先生,您希望我把您送到哪儿? Where do you want me to take you, sir?
- 送您去哪儿? Where do you wish me to take you?
- "那么我要给母亲买本书," 他说道。 "非常感谢。我希望将来有一天能报答您。" "Then I'll buy a book for Mother, " he said. "I thank you very much, some day I hope I can repay you."
- 如果您希望我离开的话,我现在就马上撤走多余的餐具。 If you wish me to leave, I would quickly remove the excessive tableware.
- 我送您去房间好吗? May I help you to your room?
- 没有,您要去哪儿? No, where do you want to go?
- 我猜想他希望我认真地听而不是插嘴胡说。 I guess he wanted me to listen instead of jabber away at the mouth.
- 嗨,您要去哪儿? Hi. Where do you need to go?
- 我希望我不需要再次提醒你一下了。 I hope I shall not have occasion to warn you again.
- 您希望用什么方式付款? What is the mode of payment you wish to employ?
- 要我送您去医院吗? Shall I take you to the hospital?
- 我多么希望我能让你看出我现在的感情! How I hope to be able to show you what I feel!
- 她跟我说这个时候她会在家,你知道她去哪儿了吗? She told me she would be home by this time.Do you know where she went?
- 衷心希望您旅途愉快。 Earnestly hope your pleasant voyage.
- 您去了哪里?天津还是北京? Where did you go: to Tianjin or to Beijing?
- 我希望我也能搭灰狗巴士做一次横跨大陆的旅行。 I wish I could make a transcontinental trip by Grey hound bus.
- 您能在8点半前把我送到火车站吗? Do you think you can get me to the railroad station by 8