- 您将如何付款呢? How would you like to settle your bill?
- 总票价是426美元。您要如何付款呢? The total cost is %24426. How will you be payed for the tickets ?
- 您要如何付款呢? How will you be paying for the ticket?
- 您预备如何付款呢? How would you like to settle your bill?
- 与今年来您所了解的申请人,您将如何评价?(请在下表中选择一项) Among the employees or student you have known in recent years, how would you rate the applicant? (please tick one bow below)
- 我们不能预言世界将如何终结。 We can't foretell how the world will end.
- 您将在中国停留多长时间? How long do you expect to be stay in China?
- 我应如何付款? How do I pay for it?
- 你将如何向你家人解释你的失败? How would you vindicate your failure to your family?
- 另外,您准备采用什么方式付款呢? By the way,how do you like to pay for it?
- 金额及如何付款 How to get paid and payments EI
- 您将在右侧看到结果。 On the right side, you will see the result.
- 他们将如何实现购买? How are they going to buy it?
- 如何付款,现金还是信用卡? How shall I pay, cash or credit card?
- 您将在丹麦停留多长时间? How long will you stay in Denmark?
- 签证费是多少及如何付款? What are the visa charges and the method of payment?
- 请稍候,我帮您将电话转给陈先生。 One moment please, I'll connect you to Mr. Chen.
- 后人对我们将如何看待? How will futurity regard us?
- 否则,您将必须等我我回来讲我的故事。 Otherwise, you'll just have to wait for me to come back and tell my story. Until then, so long.
- 女侍应生:先生,你想如何付款,现金或信用卡? Waitress: Sir, how would you like to pay? Cash or credit?