- 您坐着等好吗? Would you like to take a seat while you're waiting?
- 谢谢,您就在大堂吧那边坐着等会儿好吗?如果一有空桌,马上请您入座。 Could you take a seat in the lobby bar for a while and I will info rm you when a table is free?
- 吗 morphine
- 雅克罕姆:坐着等就好。 Wait for the birth of a new God! I shall take over the power of Sparda!
- 音响效果相当好,您坐前面或后面都没有多大的区别。 The acoustics is quite good. It doesn't make much difference whether you sit in the front or the back.
- 请你坐着等一会好吗? Would you please have a seat and wait for a moment?
- 请您填写姓名和住址好吗? Would you kindly fill in your name and address?
- 幼儿园的老师让孩子们笔直地坐着。 The nursery teacher made the children sit bolt upright.
- 电话铃声响时请你接电话好吗? Will you answer the telephone if it rings?
- 我们定一下野餐的时间好吗? Shall we fix a date for the picnic?
- 他坐着让人给他画像。 He sat for his portrait.
- 再来一点黄油面包好吗? Would you like some more bread and butter?
- 女孩子坐着摆弄裙子。 The girl sat trifling with her skirt.
- 不知趣的李妈,还沿着旧例,一早就来这里,坐着等要吃面。 The completely insensitive Li-ma came to the house as she had always done. She was there the first thing in the morning, sat down and waited for her noodles.
- 请再详细讲一讲您的建议好吗? Would you please enlarge a little on your suggestions?
- 她坐着从侧面观察他的脸。 She sat observing his face in profile.
- 您看今天下午来我家好吗? Do you think you could come to my home this afternoon?
- 她惊恐地呆坐着。 She sat motionlessly with horror.
- 我到商店去一下,你在这儿等车好吗? Will you watch for the bus here while I go into the shop for a moment?
- 他笔直地坐着。 He sat bolt upright.