- 您喝什么样的咖啡? How do you want you coffee?
- 您要什么样的咖啡? How would you like your coffee?
- 他有一点醉意,可是规规矩矩的把酒放在老车夫面前:“我的请,您喝吧! The drinker was tipsy but he politely placed the liquor in front of the old man. "This drink is on me, please take it!" he said.
- 咖啡 coffee
- 喝 to drink
- 他是我们常在报上看到的人物,但我们不知道他是什么样的人。 He was somebody you read of every other day in the newspaper, yet we couldn't put a name to him.
- 您喜欢什么样的咖啡? How do you like your coffee?
- 是酒柜。每天我们检查少了什么酒,然后补上。您喝的饮料都列在账单上了。 That's the mini-bar. Each day we check what's missing and restock it. The items you consume are put on your bill.
- 什么样的 which type of
- 那是瓷器的咖啡组件,可能对外国口而言过于朴素了些。 That's a porcelain coffee set. Maybe a little austere for foreign tastes.
- 您喝烈性酒还是白兰地?或更喜欢哪种葡萄酒? Would you care for a liquor or brandy,or what kind of wine do you prefer?
- 只要一个人有正常的判断能力,读什么样的书没有多大关系。 It matter little what kind of book one read, so long as one have sound judgment.
- 您喝烈性酒还是白兰地,或者是要哪种葡萄酒? Would you care for a liquor or brandy, or what kind of wine do you prefer?
- 她给我喝劣质的咖啡。 She gave me coffee of a kind.
- 假如有充分的时间,什么样的事情都会发生在每一个人的身上。 Everything happens to everybody sooner or later if there is time enough.
- 王先生,您好!明天早上我请您喝早茶,好吗? Hello, Mr. Wang! I want to invite you to morning tea, is it OK with you?
- 我已尽力告诉他她是一个什么样的女孩,但是他相信她比白雪还要洁白。 I've tried to tell him what kind of a girl she is, but he's convinced that she's purer than the driven snow.
- 我不喜欢喝甜的咖啡。 I don't like my coffee sweetened.
- 我建议您喝一点玫瑰色葡萄酒,大多数客人都爱喝这种酒。 I should say you'd like some vin rose and most people like it.
- 让我们设想突然发生一场罢工,采取什么样的行动才是最恰当的。 Let us imagine that a strike suddenly happens. What would be the most appropriate course of action?