- 您喜欢用哪种洗发精? What kind of shampoo do you prefer?
- 你用哪种洗发精? What kind of shampoo are you using?
- 您要哪种洗发精? What shampoo do you prefer?
- 如果您喜欢用支票买东西。 If you prefer to pay things by check.
- 您爱“单飞”,您喜欢用符号表达自己? You prefer "flying solo" and you love to express yourself using symbols?
- 您喜欢哪种式样?大号还是中号? What style do you like? Do you want a large size or a medium size?
- 孩子喜欢用吸管喝果汁。 Children enjoy drinking juice through a straw.
- 你要用哪种寄法? How do you want to send it?
- 如果您喜欢用支票买东西,您可以开个支票户头。 You can have a checking account if you prefer to pay things by check.
- 我应该用哪种油? What kind of oil should I use?
- 您喜欢哪种果汗,菠萝汁还是橙汁? Which kind of juice would you prefer,pineapple or orange?
- 随着san概念的发展,它已成长为不是用哪一种技术可以描述的。 As the SAN concept has developed, it has grown beyond identification with any one technology.
- 你最喜欢听哪种音乐?你喜欢听小夜曲吗? What kind of music do you like best? Do you like serenade?
- 您喜欢这种用竹篾编成的动物吗? Do you like such animals woven with bamboo sticks?
- 那是一种我们喜欢用来犒劳自己的艺术。 It is an art that we love to overindulge ourselves with.
- 您要哪种香水? What perfume would you like?
- 如果您喜欢用支票买东西,您可以开个支票户头。 You can have a checking account if you prefer to pay things by check.
- 请问您点哪种汤? And what would you like to order for the soup?
- 您想买哪种花瓶? What sort of vases are you looking for?
- 你最喜欢哪种戏剧? What sort of play do you like best?