- 您何时到南宁的? A: When did you come to Nanning?
- 既然我们谈到钱的问题,我想问一下,您何时偿付那笔借款? While we're on the subject of money, may I ask when you will repay that loan?
- 告诉我她会何时到这儿来。 Tell me when she can come to here.
- 李明:这是您第一次到南宁吗? Li Ming: Is this your first visit to Nanning?
- 您何时签定代理协议呢? When do you expect to sign the agency agreement?
- 区域合作:南宁的叠加机遇与战略转型 Regional Cooperation: Nanning's Superposed Opportunity and It's strategic Transformation
- 请问到南宁动物园怎么走? Excuse me. Could you tell me how to get to the Nanning Zoo?
- 您何时需要报价,我即派员前往。 We shall be pleased to send our representative at any time,shall you desire us to submit quotation.
- 下一列火车是由北京开往南宁的。 The next train runs from Beijing to Nanning.
- 不知道师父何时到的,似乎和我们共修了一会儿,然后师父叫大家出定,就开始开示了。 I had no idea when Master arrived; She seemed to have meditated with us for a while, and then told us to wake up. Then, She began Her discourse.
- 南宁 (N) Nanning, capitol of Guangxi Autonomous Region in south west China
- 请您届时携带夫人或其他一位客人光临。我们期待着您的到来。 Come and bring your wife of other guest. We look forward to seeing you.
- 您何时签订代理协议呢? When do you expect to sign the agency agreement?
- 美洲斑潜蝇在南宁的发育起点温度和有效积温及年生活史 Development threshold temperature, effective accumulative temperature and annual life histroy of Liromyza sativae blanchard in Nanning, Guangxi
- 请您 would you please; please
- 从北京到南宁每天有两次车。 There are two trains from Beijing to Nanning daily.
- 如果他把精力更多地投入到工作中,他就会得到更好的结果。 If he put more effort into his work, he'd see better results.
- 愿您早日康复! May you recover soon!
- 中国番木瓜曲叶病毒在南宁的发生及其烟粉虱传播和中间寄主初步研究 Occurrence, transmission via whitefly and intermediate hosts of Papaya leaf curl China virus in Nanning
- 您何时有暇来此,我想请您参观我们的一些工厂。 When can you spare the time to come here? I'd like to invite you to see some of our factory.