- 您什么时候要搭车? When do you want the taxi?
- 告诉我您什么时候要搭车,好吗? Would you please tell me when you need the taxi?
- 告诉我您什么时候要搭出租车,好吗? Would you please tell me when you need the taxi?
- 你什么时候要搭车? What time do you need the taxi?
- 您什么时候要? When do you need them ?
- 美国人用“大拇指”表示搭车,欧洲人要搭车时则是上下挥手。 Americans "thumb" a ride, while many Europeans wave the whole hand up and down when hitchhiking.
- 那么,您什么时候能来和我们一起吃晚饭呢? Then, when can we expect you for dinner?
- 您什么时候开始打篮球? When did you begin to play basketball?
- 我借给了他乘公共汽车的车票钱,然而他却厚着脸皮要搭我的车回家。 I lent him his bus fare and then he had the brass neck to ask me for a lift home.
- 您什么时候预约的? When did you make the reservation?
- 要搭车回家吗? Do you need a ride home?
- 哪一种车?什么时候? Yes. On which train and on what day?
- 列车员: 您什么时候丢失的? When did you lost it?
- 客房明白了,洗好的衣服什么时候要? I see. When shall we get the laundry back?
- 在每座城镇的偏远地带,想要搭车的乘客会为乘车而等上一个多小时。 On the outskirts of every town, would-be passengers wait for an hour or more for a ride.
- 你喜欢什么时候叫您? When would you be fond of receiving the call?
- 请讲。你要我告诉您什么呢? Go ahead. What I can tell you?
- 我们什么时候派车来? When should we send a taxi there?
- 罗伯:那我们什么时候要去放我们之前的鞭炮? Rob: So when are we going to set off all our old 5)firecrackers ?
- 喂!喂,我已拿出档案了,您要我告诉您什么特定的资料? Hello again, I have the file before me, what specific information would you like me to give you?