- 您一天小便多少次? How many times do you pass urine every day and how much each time?
- 您一天抽多少支烟? How many cigarettes do you smoke a day?
- "那么我要给母亲买本书," 他说道。 "非常感谢。我希望将来有一天能报答您。" "Then I'll buy a book for Mother, " he said. "I thank you very much, some day I hope I can repay you."
- 这药一天服三次,每次服汤匙,饭后服用。 Take a table spoonful of this medicine three times a day after meals.
- 曾经多少次见过一位女孩在刚和朋友分手后,问她的朋友自己的长相是否标致? How many times do you find a girl asking her friends for reassurance of her good looks just after breaking up?
- 一天中我们有多少小时有阳光? How many hours of daylight do we have in a day?
- 那就是说,我们马上卖给您一盒米饭,饭面上放几样菜。 That is to say,we'll sell you a carton of rice with a few dishes on top of it.
- 在度假时,为了充分享受每一天,我每天总是起得很早。 I always get up with the lark when I'm on holiday to make the most of every single day.
- 一天三次定期服药。 Take the medicine regularly three times a day.
- 这药每隔一天随温水服一次。 Take this medicine with warm water every other day.
- 他按先后次序描述了那一天发生的种种事件。 He described the events of that day in sequence.
- 一天抽多少? How many a day?
- 有一天能报答您。 Oneday I shall be able to repay you.
- 在学期的最后一天,孩子们总要花一部分时间清理自己的书桌。 The boys spend part of the last day of term tidying out their desks.
- 挤奶女工一天两次为奶牛挤奶。 The milkmaid milks the cows twice a day.
- 你一天抽多少支香烟? How many cigarettes do you smoke a day?
- 孩子们向他们的父亲讲述了一天中的全部事情。 The children rehearsed all the happenings of the day to their father.
- 这些药一天吃两次。 Take these medicine twice a day.
- 在一天工作之后洗个热水澡真是舒畅。 A hot bath is a great refreshment after a day's work.
- 我一天服几次药? How many times do I take a day?