- 总共有多少件行李? How many pieces of luggage do you have altogether?
- 你们总共有多少件行李? How many pieces of luggage do you have altogether?
- 你有多少件行李? How many pieces of your luggage?
- 您有多少件行李要托运? How many pieces of luggage do you want to check?
- 那农场主养了那么多的小鸟,他自己几乎都搞不清总共有多少只。 The farmer has so many chickens,he can hardly keep track of them all.
- 克莱夫.哈里斯:你知道有多少件有缺陷吗? Do you have any idea how many units are defective?
- 格雷伯爵因为拥有最多的孩子而保持着记录,他总共有17个孩子。 Earl Grey holds the record for the most children with a grand total of 17.
- 有多少件行李要登记托运呢? How many pieces you want to check in?
- 组委会发言人说,“总共有近3000人将为锦标赛的成功而努力。” A spokesman for the organizing committee said, "A total of nearly 3,000 people will be striving to ensure the successful operation of the championships."
- 美军表示,在七月,总共有2,625项扎大爆炸事件发生或者未遂。 The US military says in the month of July, a total of2,625 bombs exploded or were discovered before they could detonate.
- 那两件行李捆扎在一起。 The two pieces of luggage were strapped together.
- 一天中我们有多少小时有阳光? How many hours of daylight do we have in a day?
- 该地区上一次暴发发生在1987年,总共有305例病例和145人死亡(病死率为45.4%)。 The last outbreak in this region was in 1987, with a total of 305 cases and 145 deaths (case fatality rate: 45.4%25).
- 共有多少件? How many pieces all together?
- 那件行李成了我的大累赘。 The heavy baggage was a great hindrance to me.
- 50个州和华盛顿总共有538个选举人。每个选区的选举人数根据该区的人口数决定。 The total number of the electors for 50 states and Washington D.C. Is 538. The number of electors in each state is decided by the population.
- 一箱装多少件? How many pcs one CTN?
- 今年我买了很多很多书,连我自己也不知道到底有多少。 I have bought so many books this year that I can hardly keep count of them.
- 测试总共有12项,偏头痛患者对于其中的几乎一半测试项在动作控制方面显得力不从心。 In all there were 12 tests. In almost half of these, the migraine sufferers were unable to match the performance of their controls.
- 一次可以烧制出多少件瓷器呢? At one time in a dragon kiln this size?