- 怎样进行用例建模? How Do We Develop the Use Case Model?
- 为何要进行用例建模? Why do we develop the Use Case model?
- UML中的用例建模 Use Cases Modeling in UML
- 分析师负责需求搜集、用例建模、流程建模、模拟和运行时流程监视。 The analyst is responsible for requirements gathering, use-case modeling, process modeling, simulation, and run-time process monitoring.
- 常用 in common usage
- 用Rational Rose和Rational RequisitePro进行用例管理 Use Case Management with Rational Rose and Rational RequisitePro
- 对于进口货物你们是怎样进行检查? How do you stipulate the inspection for your imports?
- 不用 need not
- 议会在这些危险的日子里应怎样进行工作,也需要加以指导。 Parliament also required guidance about the conduct of its work in these dangerous days.
- 通常情况下,理解UML和用例建模的技术人员在从用户的角度看用例时都会有麻烦。 Generally, technical people who understand UML and use-case modeling have trouble looking at a use case from the user point of view.
- 达赖集团是怎样进行分裂活动的 How Does the Dalai Clique Carry Out His Separatist Activities?
- 一种与曲棍球相似的游戏但在马背上进行用长的有把手的拍子和一个木制的球。 a game similar to field hockey but played on horseback using long-handled mallets and a wooden ball.
- 怎样进行持久战? How to carry on a protracted war?
- 相关分析法建模 modelling via correlation analysis
- 一幅或多幅显示图象,说明怎样使用应用软件,或者怎样进行系统操作 one or more display images that describe how to use application software or how to do a system operation
- 频谱分析方法建模 modelling via spectral analysis
- 方法:选取2004年度精神药品处方1373张,以限定日剂量(DDD)和药物利用指数(DUI)为指标的分析方法,进行用药分析。 Methods:The prescriptions of the psychotherapy in 2004 were chosen and to analyze the usage of psychotherapy by DDD and DUI method.
- 怎样进行网络聊天? How do you chat through Internet?
- 用例 use case
- 决赛是怎样进行的? How was the final played?