- 怎么来帮助他呢? How are you going to help him?
- 你能用什么办法来帮助他呢? How are you going to help him?
- 怎么 (interrogative pronoun)
- 请问师父,刚才您介绍了肯定的力量,那么能不能麻烦您再解释,否定的力量怎么来帮助我们呢? Master, just now You introduced the positive power. Could You explain how the negative power can help us?
- 开始,别的孩子来帮忙,但当工作有困难时,鲍勃发现没人来帮助他。 At first the other boys helped, but when the work got hard, Bob found himself high and dry.
- 假如皇帝在位,则杰拉就需要一个不同的联姻来帮助他的事业。 If the emperor remained on the throne, Gerard required a different alliance to aid his career.
- 我该怎么来约会呢? How am I supposed to ask for a date ?
- 他们指派某个人来帮助他履行职责。 They appointed someone to assist him in his duties.
- 我要教训你怎么来愚弄我。 I'll teach you to make a fool of me.
- 可选用的直升飞机被用来帮助地狱里那些乐观的无助者。 The optional helicopter is adopted to help the optimistic helpless in the hell.
- 我怎么来处理这些事呢? What will I have to do with these?
- 我告诉他怎么做,帮助他解决困难。 I eased him of his difficulty by telling him what to do.
- 他们特地来帮助我们。 They went out of their way to help us.
- 我怎么来约她呢? How am I supposed to ask for a date?
- 是的。我们还同时刊登广告看板及报纸广告来帮助创立明显的品牌识别。 Yes. We'll also run billboard and newspaper ads to help create broad brand recognition.
- 他问:“但这些钱是怎么来的?您怎么存这么多钱?” He said, "But what about all of this money? How did you manage to save all this money?"
- 她正在尽一切努力来帮助他。 She is now devoting all her energies to giving him a leg up.
- 床上用品林林总总,怎么来挑选呢? Bedding Lin Lin always, how will choose?
- 他一再呼喊,但没有人来帮助他。 He called and called but no one came to his assistance.
- 可以从5个矿石里提取宝石。当然他会摧毁矿石!知道宝石怎么来的吧? Prospecting( skill): Search5 ore of abase metal for precious gems. This will destroy the ore in theprocess.