- 怎么搞的他总是那么忙? How does it come about that he is always so busy?
- 我知道那可能听起来有点扯,但我的闹钟今天早上不晓得怎么搞的没有响。 I know it might sound lame, but my alarm clock somehow didn't go off this morning.
- 不要告诉经理是怎么把工作搞砸了的,不然他会大发雷霆的! Don't tell the director how you ruined the job, or he'll go through the roof.
- 20分钟前我遇到萨拉了。她总是那么忙。 I met Sarah 20 minutes back. She's always so busy.
- 仓里满:“我去找狗,到了楼下,不知怎么搞的,糊里糊涂,醒过来就躺在地上了。” I went downstairs to look for the dog, and fell into unconsciousness somehow. When I woke up, I was lying on the ground.
- 他总是那么精明,没有人能愚弄或欺骗他。 He's always had his head screwed on the right way and no one will be able to fool or cheat him.
- 斯高特是怎么搞的?他已经迟到二十分钟了。我们还要继续等吗? What's wrong with Scott? He's twenty minutes late. Should we keep waiting?
- 他总是那么好,在我生日那天送了花给我。 Ever kind, he gave me flowers on my birthday.
- 不知怎么搞的,工程师把整个工程计划弄得一塌糊涂。 Somehow the engineers screwed up the entire construction project.
- 我们最忙的时候,他总是不在。 He would be absent when we are most busy!
- 遗憾的是,当前Web浏览器中的许多功能并不总是那么容易利用。 Unfortunately, it is not always easy to take advantage of many features found in current Web browsers.
- 他怎么搞的? What's gotten into him?
- 查尔斯很讨人喜欢,他总是愿意抽出时间成为桥牌的第四个搭挡。 Charles is a good egg; he will always find time to make up a fourth at bridge.
- 每当杰克碰上街头殴斗他总是插手。 Jack could never pass a street fight without piling in.
- 你怎么搞的浑身这么脏? How did you get yourself mucked up like that?
- 你看,她总是那么漂亮。 Look at her, she is pretty as always.
- 在紧急的时候,他总是做一些额外的事。 he always carried extras in case of an emergency.
- 这个话是对的,我们也讲现在我们搞的实质上是一场革命。 You are right. We too say that what we are doing now is in essence a revolution.
- 这里的世界总是那么新奇、有趣。 This world is always so intersting and appealing.
- 十一届三中全会以后,我们探索了中国怎么搞社会主义。 After the Third Plenary Session we proceeded to explore ways of building socialism in China.